Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"Breitbart" and the Arlington Confederate Monument

Stephen K. Bannon, executive director of "Breitbart," is going to be Donald Trump's chief White House strategist according to some reports.

"Breitbart" is a publication which appears to be very much on defending Confederate monuments and flags. I am still researching them. Up to now I thought of them as another right wing fringe group and many of them defend the Confederacy or the Lost Cause.

In 2009 when a group of us wrote President Obama asking him not to send a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument at the annual Confederate event there Ron Maxwell was the speaker.

"Breitbart" reprinted Ron Maxwell's speech made at the Arlington Confederate Monument in 2009.

This is the link to the article.

In his speech, Maxwell asserts the following:

I myself am neither a Confederate nor a neo-Confederate, whatever that means. I am simply an American — and that’s enough for me. I belong to no organizations, clubs, round-tables or societies related to the Civil War or indeed to anything else. But I will not be intimidated from speaking at memorials for Confederate or Yankee soldiers – nor silently stand by as others heap insult and scorn on anyone who does. I am no one’s mouth-piece or propagandist. I have no axe to grind or grievance to nurse. I am no more and no less than a free man.


He gave an interview in "Southern Partisan" magazine, Vol. 22 Issue No. 6, (Nov./Dec. 2002)

He contributed a movie review to "Southern Partisan," March/April 2002, Vol. 22 No. 2.

This was done after the reputation of "Southern Partisan" was generally known to the public.

Then I have this review of his anti-Muslim anti-Hispanic article in "Chronicles" magazine.

His movies are ridiculed by those who have some knowledge of history and Maxwell's movies are in my opinion neo-Confederate propaganda.

There are some reviews of "Gods and Generals."

More about Ron Maxwell.

1. Attended the 108th reunion in 2003 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

2. Announced as speaker at the Stephen D. Lee Institute meeting in 2007 in "Confederate Veteran" magazine. The Stephen D. Lee Institute is an organization of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

3. When Ron Maxwell spoke in 2009 at the Arlington Confederate Monument it was an event for which the Sons of Confederate Veterans was one of the sponsors.

An article about the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

The fact that his Confederate folderol is published by "Breitbart" says  a lot about "Breitbart."

The Confederacy will be in the White House. We should ask whether the Confederate flag will be flown at the White House.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

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