Friday, July 19, 2013

"Atlantic" magazine has article about the Arlington Confederate Monument and its denigration of Abraham Lincoln, also shows how extensively the federal government supports neo-Confederacy.

An extraordinary article at The Atlantic online at this URL:

A quote from the article:
Not far from many Confederate gravestones at Arlington, however, is an actual engraving of a motto with more bite to it. "Victrix causa diis placuit sed victa Catoni," reads an inscription on the Confederate memorial. It's a quote from the epic poem Pharsalia, written by Lucan about the Roman Civil War, and literally translated means, "the victorious cause pleased the gods, but the conquered cause pleased Cato." As Malanowski told me, "You have to know your Latin history to know they're talking about the Roman Civil War, that the dictator Julius Caesar won, and that Cato was pleased with the republicans' sacrifice." With that background in mind the inscription is "a 'fuck you' to the Union. It's that sneaky little Latin phrase essentially saying 'we were right and you were wrong, and we'll always be right and you'll always be wrong.'"
We have tried to let the public know about how the Arlington Confederate Monument has a radical anti-American theme.

The article also documents how extensively the federal government supports neo-Confederacy. The article doesn't include all the ways the federal government supports neo-Confederacy. This blog documents some of the other ways the federal government supports neo-Confederacy.

Also, in the article there is documentation how the "heritage" of the Confederate "heritage" groups contains a lot of racism.
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