Friday, July 19, 2013

"Atlantic" magazine has article about the Arlington Confederate Monument and its denigration of Abraham Lincoln, also shows how extensively the federal government supports neo-Confederacy.

An extraordinary article at The Atlantic online at this URL:

A quote from the article:
Not far from many Confederate gravestones at Arlington, however, is an actual engraving of a motto with more bite to it. "Victrix causa diis placuit sed victa Catoni," reads an inscription on the Confederate memorial. It's a quote from the epic poem Pharsalia, written by Lucan about the Roman Civil War, and literally translated means, "the victorious cause pleased the gods, but the conquered cause pleased Cato." As Malanowski told me, "You have to know your Latin history to know they're talking about the Roman Civil War, that the dictator Julius Caesar won, and that Cato was pleased with the republicans' sacrifice." With that background in mind the inscription is "a 'fuck you' to the Union. It's that sneaky little Latin phrase essentially saying 'we were right and you were wrong, and we'll always be right and you'll always be wrong.'"
We have tried to let the public know about how the Arlington Confederate Monument has a radical anti-American theme.

The article also documents how extensively the federal government supports neo-Confederacy. The article doesn't include all the ways the federal government supports neo-Confederacy. This blog documents some of the other ways the federal government supports neo-Confederacy.

Also, in the article there is documentation how the "heritage" of the Confederate "heritage" groups contains a lot of racism.

How Hilary Herbert, head of the Arlington Confederate Monument committee previously fought against Civil Rights and aided and abetted those violent against African Americans.

Hilary Herbert headed up the committee that raised the funds and had the Arlington Confederate Monument built. He was also a white supremacist who spoke out against Civil Rights legislation and also aided and abetted those who threaten violence against African Americans.

The account is from the Confederate Veteran magazine, which was the official publication of the United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Sons of Confederate Veterans and is online at this link.

The Confederate "heritage" is about defending violence against African Americans. In reading the article you can see how thrilled Confederate "heritage" activists about violently suppressing Civil Rights.

An extract from the article:

On March 11, 1875, Wagner’s Minstrels appeared in Mont­gomery. The negroes, backed up by this obnoxious bill, tried to exercise what they claimed were “their rights” by taking seats in theaters and trains alongside the whites. On this occasion they passed the word that they would buy seats in the theater with the whites, when heretofore they had always been excluded to the gallery. Wagner’s agent had instruc­tions not to sell tickets to negroes anywhere but for the gal­lery, but by some chicanery they got tickets in the dress circle among Montgomery’s fairest daughters. The question then was how to remove them without frightening the ladies. When the curtain went up, the company marched in and took their seats for the overture, Wagner sitting on the end with tambourine in hand. Casting his eyes over the audience, he saw the negroes in the dress circle, and knew at once this would never do; so he put down his tambourine, advanced to the footlights, and announced that there were negroes in the dress circle and they would please vacate and go to the gallery, where they would find good seats, and the perform­ance would commence. Well, you could have heard a pin fall; Southern men stood with bated breath ready to back Wagner. The negroes did not move. A game of bluff, but it did not count in that game. Wagner waited patiently; still the negroes made no move to vacate. Wagner left the stage and returned quickly with pistols in hand, saying to the whites: “Ladies and gentlemen, stand aside; I will clear the dress cir­cle of those colored gents.” Pandemonium reigned; men were on their feet instantly, and the negroes went out of that dress circle, kicked and cuffed, and made a hasty retreat to the street. The performance then commenced, and much praise was given “Happy Cal.”

Next day trouble commenced for Wagner, as negroes com­menced swearing out warrants for Wagner before the United States Commissioner. N. S. McAfee, of Talladega, was United States District Attorney and Capt. J. W. Dimmick was United States Commissioner. Wagner and his agent, Brown, were ably defended by Col. H. A. Herbert, Col. Tucker Sayre, Col. Virgil Murphy, judge David Clopton, all volunteering their services, and Colonel Herbert making a telling speech on the unconstitutionality of the civil rights bill. The commissioner held with the attorney, and refused to issue any more warrants. Then the negroes swore out more warrants before another commissioner, Barber by name. This threw Mont­gomery into a state of excitement. Men with stern faces and determination promised to back Wagner and see this thing through; the streets were crowded with both negroes and whites, expecting trouble any moment. Cal Wagner was in Col. Tucker Sayre’s office, which was over Blount Weatherly’s drug store, facing Court Square. He was surrounded by his friends, who were considering how to get him out of the city before the United States marshals could serve other warrants on him. Dr. Walter Jackson, who was in the drug store at the time, was called into the office to consult with them. His buggy and fast horse were standing in front of the drug store. When asked if he could not get Wagner out of the city quick, he replied: “Yes, I can get him away with lightning speed.” [Boldface added.]
The story concludes gleefully how Wagner escaped justice and his threats of violence against

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sons of Confederate Veteran webpage explains the meaning of the Arlington Confederate Monument

The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) has on their web site a series of web pages which explains their understanding of the Arlington Confederate Monument. In reading the web pages you can see how the Arlington Confederate Monument enables neo-Confederacy.

The 1st webpage in the series of webpages is at:

President Obama unfortunately contributes to neo-Confederacy by endorsing the monument when he sends a wreath to it.
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